The Hollow Bone

The Hollow Bone to Allow the True Essence of You

The Hollow Bone

Radiating the spark from Within. As you allow all energies to flow outward from within. As you pour and out empty all that is inside you and watch as the Hollow Bone envelops and radiates the Spark from Within. Flow outward within this spark. Without anything but the Flow. Then fill your Heart in Love and send out to the rest of the World. As you say In Love of Love By Love as in all things.

Time: A Reverberation in Frequency

bf890-schumannTime is a measured frequency response. Not in a static place of being in a 3D scenario. How time travels is frequency specific. You are never out of time, sometimes just vibrating faster than current time and watching it unfold. Time slows down as you vibrate faster. Time exists from Your Original Expansion in Consciousness (individualistic signal) but slows down coherent to it’s Density. Lower density is longer in time. That’s why good times go by so fast because your faster. On a cellular level as well as Energetically. The opposite is true when depressed.

US Air Force Officials Investigate Claims of Secret Navy Space Program

US Air Force Officials Investigate Claims of Secret Navy Space Program

Officials from a highly classified U.S. Air Force space program that operates a space surveillance system around the Earth, are seriously investigating whistleblower claims, especially those stating that the U.S. Navy has secretly developed a parallel space program with kilometers-long craft belonging to eight battle groups capable of deep space operations.

According to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, a senior official from the Air Force program who he calls “Sigmund”, has been conducting “information exchanges” with Goode to learn about the alleged Navy space program and rumors of it cooperating with Nordic and other extraterrestrial groups,

Previously, Goode reported that he first encountered Sigmund in a series of military abductions that began in January 2016, when a triangular shaped antigravity spacecraft landed near his Texas home, and two Air Force personnel from the vehicle forcibly took him into the craft. Goode was subsequently interrogated and chemicals were injected into him to force him to reveal the source of his information.

After publicly emerging in March 2015, Goode’s claims had come to the attention of a highly classified Air Force Space Program, which closely cooperates with other U.S. military entities such as the National Reconnaissance Office, the National Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency. Goode calls this interagency collaboration the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC SSP).

The MIC SSP is entirely separate to a more advanced Navy Space Program known as “Solar Warden”, which Goode says he served in during a “twenty year and back” tour of duty from 1987 to 2007. In previous reports, Goode has discussed at length the activities of Solar Warden and its interactions with visiting extraterrestrial civilizations.

During the initial abductions, Sigmund was trying to ascertain the source of Goode’s information which had revealed highly classified information about the MIC SSP. In earlier reports, Goode also described how Sigmund and his subordinates chemically forced Goode to out several operatives working for the Solar Warden program.


The nature of Sigmund’s interrogations of Goode began to significantly change when Sigmund determined that Goode’s information was, at least in part, accurate, and that he was not part of a disinformation program belonging to a rogue element of the MIC SSP.

Sigmund subsequently began an “information exchange” with Goode that first occurred in “meetings” during the latter part of 2016. Goode was given information about Antarctica and the intense power struggle within the U.S. national security system involving the 2016 Presidential election. Goode wrote a report about one of these information exchanges that was published on December 11, 2016.

On March 16, Goode gave me a detailed four hour briefing about his ongoing meetings with Sigmund and/or his two subordinates from the MIC SSP, which occur on a regular basis to the present day. The information provided by Goode was originally going to be released in “Endgame 3”, and was passed on to me in order to get the information out.

The scope of the information revealed by Goode is breathtaking in its national security implications for the U.S. and the rest of the planet. Consequently, this summary will be the first in a series of articles describing the information Goode has acquired through his “information exchanges” with Sigmund and/or his subordinates, and the latest activities participated in by Goode.

The overall context for the “information exchanges”, according to Goode, was Sigmund’s  anger over the fact that his MIC SSP was out of the loop concerning activities in deep space involving extraterrestrial life and technology. The possible existence of a more powerful Navy program operating in deep space, with technologies far more advanced than anything possessed by the MIC SSP, was of particular concern to Sigmund.

Sigmund’s MIC SSP is primarily confined to near Earth operations (500 miles altitude) utilizing at least two operational space stations capable of hosting several hundred personnel, and several squadrons of TR-3B’s that service the stations. This is consistent with a briefing President Ronald Reagan received in 1985, and later published in The Reagan Diaries, where he was told that the U.S. has the capacity to place 300 astronauts in space.

Lunch with 5 top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people [p.334].

Reagan had been briefed about the MIC SSP and was greatly impressed by its capabilities.

In addition, Goode says that the MIC SSP maintains small bases on the moon and Mars but these are secondary in relationship to its primary mission of near-Earth surveillance and operations.

Goode says that Sigmund and MIC SSP personnel were all told that they were “the tip of the spear” when it came to the deployment of advanced military technologies in space, but had now learned that they were just the “f…ing Coast Guard”!

Sigmund’s fury over lies told to him and other MIC SSP personnel led to angry confrontations with his superiors. This further resulted in Sigmund initiating a serious investigation into Goode’s claims, along with those more recently provided by William Tompkins through interviews and his book Selected by Extraterrestrials, which specifically details the U.S. Navy Space Program and its cooperation with Nordic extraterrestrials.

Significantly, according to Goode, Sigmund is now conducting a similar type of investigation to my own recently completed one, done for my March 2017 book, The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance. Sigmund’s investigation also involves historical document searches, along with interviewing Navy personnel that have potential knowledge of a Navy Space Program that was secretly constructed in parallel with the creation of the MIC SSP.

After eliminating a number of possible sources for Goode’s impressive body of information, Sigmund has now reached the conclusion that there are two remaining explanations for what Goode’s revelations. The first is that a visiting group of “Nordic extraterrestrials”, known to the MIC SSP, is manipulating Goode through mind control and feeding him accurate information for an unknown agenda.

The second is that Goode is genuinely associated with a Navy-run secret space program, which is part of a “Secret Space Program Alliance”, and he is also working with a visiting group of extraterrestrials called the Sphere Being Alliance.

Sigmund began his information exchanges with Goode in part to further investigate Goode’s claims, thus helping to determine which of the two explanations would prove to be more accurate.

Sigmund has also been concerned that plans for a “limited disclosure” of the MIC SSP would only reveal part of the truth about deep space activities involving lesser classified compartments of the U.S. military, and that the truth needed to be determined and exposed in order to maintain morale in the various programs. Was the MIC SSP the “tip of the spear” as they had been told, or “the f…ing Coast Guard” as Sigmund now feared?

This becomes especially relevant to Tom DeLonge’s Sekret Machines initiative that began in early 2016 as an effort backed by 10 senior military and corporate officials. In late 2016 Wikileaks released emails that confirmed DeLonge’s claims, and outed two of the ten officials involved in his initiative.

DeLonge and his advisory group genuinely believe that their disclosure of a US Air Force run space program comprising antigravity TR-3B vehicles, will usher in a new age of space exploration. These TR-3B squadrons operate out of Area 51, classified space ports on the island of Diego Garcia and a secret location in Antarctica, which according to Sigmund is also a major R & D facility.

[Update] In a March 20 post on his Facebook page, Goode explained more about this Antarctica base:

Some of the Military and Corporate (Lockeed etc…) R&D facilities are bases that are VERY similar but much larger than Camp Freedom that was built in Iceland [Greenland] in the 50’s under Project Iceworm. The space-port is an expanded former NAZI installation. The NAZI’s have had several bases built across the SE and E regions of Antarctica. The reason Sigmund brought it all up is because I used the video of Project Iceworm in my CLE presentation. LOTS more going on in Antarctica that is not related to the ancient ruins. The development and testing of weapons platforms is forbidden under the international treaties of Antarctica. Also, to be noted. Many of the early bases on the Moon and Mars have been built in a similar manner. CG.

There has been widespread support among USAF and corporate officials for DeLonge’s effort. That is no longer the case according to Goode. Sigmund now believes that efforts like DeLonge’s are only a form of “limited disclosure”, which would indefinitely perpetuate an information gap between the MIC SSP and the Solar Warden/Secret Space Program Alliance.

Consequently, the once uniform Air Force support for DeLonge’s disclosure initiative is losing support. Essentially, the MIC SSP wants to get to the bottom of it all before anything about the MIC SSP is released to the public.

Goode says that Sigmund has been organizing meetings where he has provided briefings for select VIPs from the aerospace community. Leading engineers, scientists, industrialists and others have listened to Goode’s information to see if any of it rings true for them.

The meetings have been arranged by Sigmund, and his subordinates would facilitate Goode’s travel when necessary, and provide the security. Goode says that he has now given a series of briefings to 28 VIPs at similar secret meetings with between one to eight participants.

One of these meetings involved three people attending a conference being held at a hotel where Goode was staying in late January 2017. I stayed at this same hotel at the time, and Goode gave me a briefing about his visit to Antarctica in early January, which I then published on

The conference was the “Human Spaceflight and Exploration Forum” organized by Special Aerospace Services  . Goode says that during his briefing presentation to the three VIPs who were Forum participants, one of the attendees got up and left in disbelief over such a secret space program existing.

The remaining two VIPs stayed to the end of the briefing, but their bemused expressions suggested that they didn’t believe a word of what Goode was saying.

Goode says that in all briefings he has given, one or more of the participants have similarly stood up and left in disbelief, while the remaining VIPs largely maintained quizzical expressions. Consequently, Sigmund has recently paused the VIP briefing sessions since they have not had either the desired effect of informing the VIPs about a possible Navy space program, nor have they uncovered any further information that could help Sigmund in his investigation.

During our March 16 conversation, I pointed out to Goode the irony of his situation. The very same thing had happened to William Tompkins during World War II when he was tasked to deliver briefing packets containing information about a Nazi flying saucer program that used antigravity technologies and that the Nazi program was aided by a Reptilian extraterrestrial race.

Tompkins said that on many occasions when he delivered his briefing packets (from Naval Air Station San Diego) to the different aircraft company experimental test facilities, think tanks and university departments, the lead scientists and engineers would dismiss the information as impossible. According to Tompkins, he had to constantly battle the closed minded skeptism of those who had been trained to accept conventional scientific laws as inviolable.

Despite the VIP briefing sessions coming to an end, Goode says that his “meetings” with Sigmund and/or his subordinates continue to the present day. In these meetings, Goode has received significant information about the Trump Presidential Administration and official events to disclose the truth about suppressed technologies. This is evidenced by a secret Memorandum issued by Trump soon after taking office on January 20, 2017, to declassify secret patents involving health and free energy technologies.

Continued in Part 2

Many Thanks to Corey Goode for his corrections and suggestions to an earlier version of this article, and for permission to use images which were created by a team of artists working with the Sphere Being Alliance and Cosmic Disclosure.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading


The Owl: Journey of the Plasmic Body Updated Frequently Summer of 2017 Finding the Beginning


The OwlI feel the Drum Beats of War. Time to put on the Power Necklace.

Just as I was awoken 5 yrs ago with a friend telling me I needed a project. I seem to have Received another Call to Action.

I get strong impressions toward this call. My Spirit leaps my energy raises … My hackles are Up.

Best way to promote Peace on Earth is on the Plasma Plane.

Next is on the 4D ethric plane.

Where negativity / Evil is negotiated with. They have terms and make there choices. We respond with Love. They dont stand well In Love. And they do lash out as they change in there own free will. We all have a choice and they all have consequences.

Drum Beat are forming in My Heart as I enter into another lesson in Purpose in My Path.

Time to Stand as I was Placed on Earth to Do. To cleanse Earth….Gaia. As needed and when Approached in Path.

We go to War from within and Cleanse these parasites out from the earthly populations. Bring in Light and Love to those in Need.

I am Excited my Energy is Up and so are My hackles… Lets see what comes of my Higher Energies ramping up in Love against any that control others.

The Clarion Call has been made.

Guardians of Free Will


Its been awhile since my last update. I wrote a comprehensive article last week that disappeared into the Ethernet when a storm rolled in and got distracted. It was deep with meditation but it happens sometimes when you lose everything at once… Lessons in Life

I have been bobbing and sinking sinking and bobbing. A lot of body changes and they always hurt not always in a bad way either. When you know that these are very positive changes and just allow them to happen as they show themselves. Sometimes painful. Losing Density is about the release of emotional discharges that have ingrained into the cells. Yes painful coming in and sometimes painful going out.

3 29 17

Hollow Bone

Radiating the spark from within, as you allow all energies to flow outward. As you pour out, empty all that’s inside you and Watch as the hollow bone envelops and radiates a spark from within. As you flow outward within this spark. Without anything but flow. This Being in the Hollow Bone is You.

I am Ready, this is the message I get as I start my Day. We live on one of the oldest mountain NE. WA.

Sitting on crystalline quartz granite, Working daily is what I do for my entertainment out here in nature on a daily basis. As I work on myself.

3 25 17

I get Confirmation almost daily right now that Everyone has Agreed with my current Path Life and Moving  forward. Boethia has been the One mostly in conversation with me. I feel Boethia my newest guide is the One. The MySelf. That I am too Merge with. The Photonic Light-body I am working toward. Evan my Higher Self fully engaged today. agrees that we 3 are merging as One Body.

Mary exudes excitement as we get ready to Travel Again. She confirms that We will take Me Home . Home Again brings tears to my eyes as Loneliness is felt deeply partly because my present past is unknown. Mostly because I am home sick. Fittingly as Our work here is almost done.

I find mySelf the only one who I can talk to me about me. No one understands me. I feel different. My wife struggles to listen but is overwhelmed within the discussions. But I am filled back up with Love to keep me moving, always moving forward. I was not meant to stay here this long. When Mother Mary calls me once more with ” It’s Time” It will be Time for Time to slow down within me as I become Whole Again.

By me for me of me.

 This is what In Love Of Love By Love / By Time Of Time In Time means.

3 does equal ONE

3 22 2017



It been a week of introspection

with a wide range of  of perspectives. From clean energies to the very dirty ones lately. There is still a push back as we release the Earth from control of Beings not of Us and not for Us. This has been going on a very long time. Now it is Time for a change. This change has occurred.



Secret-presidential-memo-anti-aging-free-energy youtube.

According to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, President Donald Trump issued a highly classified Memorandum soon after his January 20th inauguration ordering the release of group of classified patents concerning anti-aging and health, along with free energy technologies. The Top Secret Memorandum was sent to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, and due to its classification status it will not be accessible to major media for reporting.

The information received from Goode comes from a senior official in an interagency secret space program comprising the USAF, NRO, NSA, DIA which he describes as the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP). The official, whom he calls “Sigmund”, is investigating Goode’s claims and conducting an “information exchange” with Goode in the process (see Part One).

On March 16, Goode briefed me about his ongoing meetings with Sigmund and/or his two subordinates. The information provided by Goode was originally slated for release in an article, “Endgame III”, as the sequel to the popular Endgame II article and video. However due to the urgency of releasing this information without delay, it was passed on to me to get it out now.

In one of his “meetings” with Sigmund (and/or his subordinates) in late January, Goode was told about Trump issuing a Presidential Memorandum to declassify over 1000 patents from a pool of over 5000. Most of the 1000 patents deal with anti-aging and health technologies, yet some deal with material science and biochemistry and a few involve free energy inventions.

These technologies are widely used in a number of secret space programs, and the patents dealing with these have been repressed under national security orders. The USPTO has issued Federal Regulations that govern when patents are classified on the grounds of national security, and subsequently withheld from the general public:

[W]henever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent is, in the opinion of the head of an interested Government agency, determined to be detrimental to national security, the  Commissioner for Patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) must issue a secrecy order and withhold the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires. A patent will not be issued on the application as long as the secrecy order is in force. If a secrecy order is applied to an international application, the application will not be forwarded to the International Bureau as long as the secrecy order is in force.

When a Department of Defense entity or a member of the Intelligence Community consider a patent to be a threat to national security, then the Patents Commissioner will issue a secrecy order preventing the patent from being publicly released.

The current number of patents that have been classified are approximately 5700 according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which matches the information given to Goode by Sigmund.

As the above table shows, the number of secret patents that are declassified each year has averaged roughly 0.5 percent annually.

Goode learned that the Pentagon and Intelligence agencies told Trump it would take 10 years to release them, but Trump told them to get it done within two to three years.

Evidence for Trump taking the bold step of declassifying secret patents as quickly as possible can be found in his inauguration speech. Towards the end of his speech, Trump uttered one sentence that contained his most developed vision of the future for America and its citizenry, which would result from the kind of declassification Memorandum Goode was told about. Trump said:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

If Trump succeeds in having over 1000 of these declassified over the next two to three years, it would represent 20% of the total. This would be a staggering average yearly increase of up to 2000 percent over previous years.

Trump’s Secret Memorandum to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community is aimed at ultimately having the Patents Commissioner, who is currentlyDrew Hirshfeld, lift the secrecy orders issued by his predecessors on the 1000 patents marked for declassification.

Furthermore, monitoring the USPTO’s records of Secrecy Orders Rescinded for 2017, will offer a concrete means of verifying that Trump did indeed issue such a memorandum.

According to Goode, most of the secret patents ordered to be declassified deal with anti-aging and health. In particular, he said that telomere technology is very advanced in classified projects, and can enable healthy cell reproduction without aging and disease.

This is consistent with the claims of retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, who says that in early 2016, he was told by Navy officials that anti-aging technologies would be released in a two year period.

Tompkins was involved in the original corporate development of anti-aging technologies during his time as a systems engineer at TRW from 1967 to 1971. These technologies were subsequently used in secret space programs, which routinely use personnel for “20 year and back” programs that Goode and other whistleblowers claim they were subjected to.

The patents for these technologies developed at TRW are likely part of the 1000 patents marked for declassification under Trump’s Memorandum. Furthermore, Tompkins identified the San Diego headquarters of the Scripps Research Institute as being heavily involved in the study of anti-aging technologies, and it will be a major player in releasing these classified technologies to the public.

Support for Goode and Tompkins’ testimony regarding classified anti-aging technologies comes from geneticists who have recently publicly identified the genes that control the aging process. In stunning experiments, the results of which have been released in peer reviewed scientific journals, geneticists have demonstrated that they were able to reverse the aging process to varying degrees of success.

The lead genetic scientist in publicly announced age reversal studies is Dr. David Sinclair, who discussed in a November 2014 interview the results of his genetic experiments first conducted on mice:

We’ve discovered genes that control how the body fights against ageing and these genes, if you turn them on just the right way, they can have very powerful effects, even reversing ageing – at least in mice so far…  We fed them a molecule that’s called NMN and this reversed ageing completely within just a week of treatment in the muscle, and now we’re looking to reverse all aspects of ageing if possible.

Declassifying anti-aging patents would revolutionize the medical and health industry, which have already made significant inroads into understanding and reversing the aging process.

Another industry that would be revolutionized by Trump’s Secret Memorandum is the energy sector. Declassifying free energy inventions would revolutionize the automotive and aviation industries, and make it easier for private industries such as SpaceX to develop far more efficient and advanced space propulsion technologies.

Most importantly, the release of free energy inventions will effectively end the power and influence of the oil industry. In a surprising case of synchronicity, one of the oil lobby’s biggest supporters, David Rockefeller, died on March 20 at the age of 101. Rockefeller was notably known for his staunch support of maintaining the secrecy status quo.

The importance of Trump’s Memorandum to the Pentagon and Intelligence Community to declassify secret patents cannot be underestimated due to the revolutionary changes it would usher in. Opposition to such changes helps explain the rumors that Trump would not be allowed to take the office of the President despite the 2016 election result.

According to the information received by Goode from Sigmund, Trump was going to be assassinated before or during his Presidential Inauguration. However, the Pentagon in response threatened to launch an open military coup if Trump was assassinated.

The CIA, NSA and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in particular were warned that they would be surrounded by U.S. military personnel, and that top CIA, NSA, and DHS leaders would end up being arrested for facilitating the assassination.

Goode estimates that approximately 80% of the personnel in these civilian intelligence agencies are Cabal (Deep State) controlled, while approximately 50% of the FBI is under “White Hat” control. He was told that these agencies refuse to give the same briefings as given to President Reagan (see Part 1) about the MIC SSP, and the handful of alien groups known to them.

The impending declassification of over a thousand secret patents will clearly help Trump succeed in revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing industry, and providing millions of jobs. It appears that the release of these patents is timed to coincide with impending disclosures regarding discoveries in Antarctica, where advanced technologies have allegedly been discovered, and which will also have a revolutionary impact on a number of major industries.

To be continued in Part 3. Click here for Part 1.

Many Thanks to Corey Goode for his corrections and suggestions to an earlier version of this article.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Noti

Great Waves Of Energy!

Great Waves Of Energy

I have just been rocked by HUGE WAVES.

We Go Crystalline

Humanity moves as a Whole. Photonic Light replaces our lower frequencies in mass.

As we move fully into a Crystalline Hologram


 The Earths Holographic Grid is fully Crystalline.

Which allows Humanity as a Whole to shift Fully.

Just as Gaia has done.

Everything within Gaia’s energetic system will change in their Plasmic Body. We all will hold more Photonic Light then ever before as we become less dense in matter and more Loving of ourSelves.


Critical Mass Reached

First time in Our History that Mankind has Globally connected into the Universe Consciously as One. Enough people created a Energetic Signal that left the Womb of Gaia into Universal Intent.  Our Voices have been heard as We Stand with the Galactic Neighborhood in Our Right of Self Determination.
Critical Mass.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Etheric Liberation Report

 Our meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and one of the biggest victories of the Light. It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half.
The critical mass has been more than reached. Somewhere between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation with around 150,000 to 200,000 people actually participating. There were so many people meditating that the server for one of the main websites for the meditation crashed because too many people tried to connect and join the meditation.
I first noticed that something extraordinary is happening around 2 hours before the activation when I began to receive certain intel of a critically important nature, parts of which I will be able to release in the following weeks and months. Then less than one hour before the activation it became obvious that we will reach the critical mass and I was instructed to communicate that through my blog just before the activation started.
At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.
This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation happened at 9:55 pm local time. You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the activation and lasting for about 36 hours, if you click on the picture below:
This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.
It means that the „tentacles“ of the Yaldabaoth entity are gone forever and now only the „head“ remains.
Since our activation, healing of the „head“ of the Yaldabaoth entity is proceeding faster than expected.
Since our activation, Galactic Confederation forces have become very active inside the Moon orbit towards the Earth surface. It is not a coincidence that the next day Elon musk announced that he will send two people to the moon and back in 2018:
Galactic Confederation forces have taken absolute passive control over all communication satellites in geostationary orbit and relative passive control over communication satellites in Molniya orbit:
Passive control means that the Light forces can take over the satellite broadcast but will not do so because the Cabal would then retaliate to the hostage surface population. After the Event they will take active control, meaning they will actually use these satellites for TV broadcasts similar to this one.
The rift in the auric energy field above Congo has been sealed. This has triggered a positive chain reaction in the energy grid around the planet, causing the etheric and plasma Archons to start losing control fast, liberating all other important energy vortexes around the planet. This will finally bring world peace because all wars have their occult reason in negative etheric and plasma entities engineering war and possessing war leaders:
The leadership of Daesh is now confused and in shock, suddenly feeling lost without strategic military guidance of negative entities that possessed them before.
They are losing Mosul, the location of a very important Nineveh Goddess vortex.
The liberated Nineveh vortex has already yielded some important archeological discoveries:
They are also losing their remaining strongholds of the Syria pentagram.
They are losing Raqqa:
And Palmyra:
Although big victories have been achieved, the battle for planet Earth is not over yet and we need to keep pushing until the final liberation.
If you feel so guided, you can still join our Ascension Conference on March 11th and 12th in Taiwan:
Victory of the Light!